For Artichokes

1 pack frozen artichoke hearts

1 cup chickpea flour

1/4 cup arrowroot starch

1 tbs sesame seeds

1 tsp sea salt

1 tsp white pepper

1 cup sparkling water

Avocado or grapeseed oil to fry

For Cilantro Lemon Sauce

Half bunch of cilantro

½ cup vegan mayo

Juice of ¼ lemon

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp dried parsley

2 garlic cloves


Steam the frozen artichokes for 5 mins until thawed completely. Remove from pan and set aside. Prep the frying batter by combining the flour, sparkling water, and seasonings. Whisk until fully incorporated. To fry, dip the artichoke in the batter to fully coat, let excess drip off and put into oil and fry until golden and crisp. Season with salt immediately upon taking them out of the oil. Repeat with the rest of the pieces. For the sauce, put all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend on high until smooth. Taste for seasoning, plate up and enjoy!