3 & 1/4 cup AP flour
1 & ½ tsp active dry yeast
1 & ½ tbs sugar
1 & ½ tsp salt
2 cups luke warm unsweetened plant milk or water
2 tbs olive oil
In a small bowl add the plant milk/water, active dry yeast and sugar. Whisk and set aside for yeast to activate (about 5 mins). Once yeast is activated add in oil and whisk. Then in a large mixing bowl or stand mixer add the flour and salt. Add the yeast mixture to the dry ingredients and mix until dough forms and knead for about 5-7 mins if using a mixer, 8-10 mins by hand. Once dough is formed turn out on to floured work surface and divide into 6 even pieces. Pinch and turn the bottom of each piece, then roll between your index finger and thumb on pinched side until top is taut. Repeat with remaining pieces and transfer to parchment lined baking tray and cover with plastic wrap or a damp towel to rest for 10 mins. After the they have rested removed covering and bake at 425 for 10-15 mins. Let cool on a wire rack, serve and enjoy!