INGREDIENTS: (GF Burger Patty) [Yields 8-10 med/large patties]
1 can green jackfruit
2 cups cooked chickpeas
2 cups chopped mushrooms
1/2 of a sliced medium onion
1/2-3/4 cup of chickpea flour
1/4 cup ketchup
1 tsp each:
Onion powder
Smoked paprika
Saute your half onion until onions are caramelized. Set aside. Add jackfruit, chickpeas and mushrooms into a food processor and pulse a few times in until coarsely combined. Once processed, add in seasonings, ketchup and flour. Mix with a rubber spatula until mixture forms a large ball and can hold shape when formed in your hand and is not sticky. If it is either too wet or dry at any point, add more sauce or flour to balance it. Form into patties and cook in a heated skillet until crisp on both sides and cooked through. Assemble your burger with toppings/condiments of choice and enjoy!