2 cans of young (green) jackfruit
3 cups vegetable stock
1 tsp: salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, mushroom seasoning (optional) [for marinade & seasoned flour]
5 tbs ground flax seeds
3/4 cup water
1 1/2 cup chickpea flour
1/4 cup hot sauce
1 1/2 tbs mustard

Drain jackfruit from cans. Pour out veggie stock into a bowl and let jackfruit marinate in there for about 30 mins to remove briny flavor. Once marinated, drain and lay out jackfruit on a lined baking tray. Add seasonings and a little bit of oil, mix to even coat and bake for 15-20 mins just until dried out but not crispy. Remove from oven and let cool, meanwhile heat up oil for frying in a large pan. For your wet batter add flax seeds, water, hot sauce and mustard. Mix and set aside, add your flour, salt, pepper & parsley to a bowl. Dredge each piece of jackfruit in each mix twice, repeat with remaining pieces. Fry until golden and crispy all around. Let cool on a paper towel lined plate, serve and enjoy!