(Opt for organic if possible):

• Nuco Raw Coconut Wraps

• Nut butter of choice (i.e. almond, cashew, peanut, etc.)

• Ripe Banana

• Berry of choice (i.e., strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, etc.)

• Medjool dates

• Hemp seeds

• Chia seeds

• Cinnamon (optional)


Take coconut wrap and spread nut butter of choice evenly throughout. Sprinkle light coating of hemp and chia seeds evenly across the spread this will add some healthy fat, omega-3s and a great nutty texture to the wrap. Take halved and length-wise cut banana and place at far most left or right side of the wrap. Then add berries of choice to the wrap along with pieces of about 2-3 dates, which will add a chewy, rich, caramel-like flavor. Sprinkle light layer of cinnamon. Roll the finished product up and cut down the middle to serve.