about malcolm

Malcolm Regisford, from Los Angeles, California is a Holistic Wellness Enthusiast, Former Division 1 Athlete & Plant Based Cook.  He founded Tapped In Wellness to make the world of health seem more approachable through a holistic lens. 

He believes that so much of what people consider to be “wellness” is based on ideas that are not their own or promoted through media and society and don’t leave room for anyone to discover their own balance. He encourages those to “tap in” to what works for them in their life in order to optimize their experience.

– Health & Wellness Digital Media

– Social Media Consulting Services

– Social Media Content Creation

The Tapped In Philosophy
Tapped In Wellness is centered around self discovery & mastery. To give yourself the tools and empowerment to create a better reality for one’s self through 3 fundamental pillars: