Malcolm Regisford

Malcolm Regisford, from Los Angeles, California is a Holistic Wellness Enthusiast, Former Division 1 Athlete & Plant Based Cook.  He founded Tapped In Wellness to make the world of health seem more approachable through a holistic lens. He believes that so much of what people consider to be “wellness” is based on ideas that are not their own or promoted through media and society and don’t leave room for anyone to discover their own balance. He encourages those to “tap in” to what works for them in their life in order to optimize their experience.

Coming off an ankle surgery that stunted his junior campaign at Colgate University where he played Division 1 basketball on a full athletic scholarship and graduated with a degree in Sociology, integrating plant based foods, mindfulness techniques and holistic wellness practices along with the prescribed recovery protocol, Malcolm was able to heal himself in more ways than one. Using this experience he began to do a deep dive on how to take these practices and use them in areas outside of athletics. From there he fell in love with the creativity in plant based cooking, deepened his spiritual practice and began to build a community around taking accountability for one’s health via content creation on social media as well as providing health & wellness social media consultancy services.

Follow along on his journey to inspire and cultivate a new awareness around healthy living.